Technical Skills

Software Engineering

  • C, Python, Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS, MATLAB
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Cloud computing (AWS) system design with CI/CD version control (Git/GitHub)
  • Full-stack web development

Firmware Engineering

  • Atmel Microchip Studio, C, Arduino
  • Mechatronic system modeling (DC/stepper motors, IR sensors, Hall Effect sensor, color sensor)
  • Microprocessor programming and component interfacing (datasheets)

Mechanical Engineering

  • Version-controlled product development (SOLIDWORKS PDM)
  • Control system, finite element, and statistical analysis

Work Experience

Lake Shore Cryotronics - Woburn, MA
May 2022-Aug 2022

Mechanical Engineering Intern

  • Analyzed ST-500 cryostat tolerance stack up (TSU) and initiated an engineering change order for an approximate 67% reduction (~1 mm) in the worst-case TSU without threat to product budget.
  • Engaged in research and development of a collet-style adjustable sample holder with cooling capacity effective to approximately 4 Kelvin to linearize manufacturing through a more versatile product.
  • Applied complete cyclic engineering method in new product development and sustaining engineering, interfacing with SOLIDWORKS PDM for company coordination.

Federal Aviation Administration - Washington, DC
June 2021-Aug 2021

Systems Engineering Intern

  • Established an Inherent Availability requirement at the three 9's threshold (99.9% availability) for Non-Federal Remote Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT) to ensure adherence to safety and performance standards within the National Airspace System (NAS).
  • Substantiated Federal authority to enforce an availability requirement for Non-Federal Remote Tower (RT) systems using existing domestic and foreign documents detailing Non-Federal RT system association to the NAS.
  • Amended RT Systems Minimum Functional and Performance Requirements for Non-Federal Applications document to reflect updated Non-Federal Remote ATCT system RMA requirements.

MATLAB Grader - Durham, NH
Sep 2021-Dec 2021

Assignment Grader

  • Interpreted students' unique script architectures to assist in debugging and provide constructive feedback to promote growth and enhance learning.
  • Developed appreciation for producing personally and externally comprehensible work for effective collaboration.


Bachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering
Aug 2018-Dec 2022

University of New Hampshire - Durham, NH
GPA: 3.1
  • Intramurals: Flag Football, Softball, Soccer
  • Dean's List
